What is Reportable


(C) "unauthorized use of force" means force that is not authorized per this paragraph.  Unauthorized use of force includes unacceptable physical contact with a child including, but not limited to:

(i) slapping;

(ii) kicking;

(iii) punching;

(iv) poking;

(v) pulling hair or an ear;

(vi) pinching;

(vii) using a chokehold;

(viii) smothering;

(ix) spitting;

(x) head butting; and

(xi) tugging.

"Neglect" means in regard to:

(A) children, per 10A O.S. § 1-1-105:  ■ 9

(i) the failure or omission to provide any of the following:

(I) adequate nurturance and affection, food, clothing, shelter, sanitation, hygiene, or appropriate education;

(II) medical, dental, or behavioral health care;  ■ 10

(III) supervision or appropriate caretakers to protect the child from harm or threatened harm of which any reasonable and prudent person responsible for the child's health, safety or welfare would be aware; or  ■ 11

(IV) special care made necessary by the physical or mental condition of the child;

(ii) the failure or omission to protect a child from exposure to any of the following:

(I) the use, possession, sale, or manufacture of illegal drugs;

(II) illegal activities;

(III) sexual acts or materials that are not age-appropriate; or

(iii) abandonment

"Physical abuse" means, in regard to children, an injury resulting from punching, beating, kicking, biting, burning, or otherwise harming a child.  Even when the injury is not an accident, the alleged perpetrator may not have intended to hurt the child.

(A) The injury may result from:

(i) extreme physical punishment inappropriate to the child's age or condition;

(ii) a single episode or repeated episodes that range in severity from significant bruising to death; or

(iii) any action that involves hitting with a closed fist, kicking, inflicting burns, shaking, or throwing the child, even when no injury is sustained, but the action places the child at risk of grave physical danger.

(B) A minor injury on a child older than 10 years of age is not considered physical abuse unless the actions that caused the injury placed the child in grave physical danger.

Mental injury examples include, but are not limited to:

(i) acts or repeated statements directed at the child that degrade or belittle the child;

(ii) exposure to repeated violent or intimidating acts or statements that may or may not be directed at the child, but have a harmful effect on the child;

(iii) ignoring or being psychologically unavailable to the child, ranging from a lack of sustained attention to a barrier of silence;

(iv) the PRFCI:

(I) showing little or no attachment to the child and failing to provide minimum levels of nurturing; or

(II) regularly ignoring, rejecting, or cursing the child when the child requires assistance from the PRFCI;

(III) confusing the child's gender identity by forcing the child to dress in clothing inappropriate for the gender of the child in order to shame the child;

(IV) exposing the child to maladaptive and harmful influences by engaging in serious criminal activity with the full awareness of the child, or by allowing or encouraging the child to engage in illegal acts, which may be considered mental injury/emotional abuse depending upon the child's age and maturity level; or

(V) consistently refusing to permit any professional to assess the child's serious emotional or behavioral problems, which may also be considered medical neglect.