OCI Articles

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Pictured above: A therapist in a blue plaid shirt and jeans scrolls on a smart phone As explored in a previous article outlining the company...

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Pictured above: a therapist sits typing on a laptop Graduate school may be over, but there's still much to do to before recent grads can start...

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Pictured above: a therapist sits at a laptop and writes in a small notebook, with a textbook open next to them With a fresh grad school education...

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Pictured above: A therapist holds a notebook and sits listening to a candidate. As newly minted clinicians, recent graduates pursuing LPC...

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Pictured above: A man in a white button up shirt and blue tie angrily yells at the smartphone in his hand On August 26, 2021, the Oklahoma...

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Pictured above: A close up of a hand typing a text on a smart phone The increase in mental health related struggles in Americans throughout the...

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Pictured above: A therapist sits on a blue couch and smiles at an open laptop on her lap. She holds a credit card. During a regularly scheduled...

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Pictured above: a therapist sits in front of a computer and gives a thumbs up to a group of clinicians on a zoom call On July 19, 2021, during a...

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Pictured above: a line of unburnt matches and one burnt match With a 40% increase in anxiety and depression symptoms across the United States...

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Pictured above: A board room table lined with cream chairs. A therapy notebook sits on the table As the renewal period for licensed professional...

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For months, Oklahoma mental health care providers have been preparing for the implementation of the state’s planned managed care initiative,...

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Pictured above: A therapist sits in front of an open laptop and takes notes on a small notepad During the Oklahoma Board of Behavioral Health...

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